About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. I am looking for self-motivated students on research projects in wireless networking and mobile computing. Please check my past papers to get a general understanding of my research style and check Notes to the Prospective Students.

My research interests are centered around wireless networking and mobile computing, with a particular focus on next-generation wireless network architectures (5G millimeter-wave, 6G joint communication and sensing, Internet of Things), novel radio hardware and software design (software-defined radio, wireless brain interfaces, low-power ultra-wide-band) and ubiquitous communication and sensing systems (smart homes, virtual/augmented reality, localization, ultra-reliable RFID for supply chains).

I have published in several top conferences, including ACM SIGCOMM, MobiCom, and USNIEX NSDI. In recognition of my work on massive MIMO millimeter-wave software radio, I was awarded the Best Paper Award at ACM MobiCom 2020. My work on this project has also been highlighted by ACM GetMobile, the top pick of the ACM SIGMOBILE area.

I received the M.S. degree (2020) and Ph.D. degree (2023) at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department in UC San Diego, advised by Professor Xinyu Zhang. I received my B.E. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2018, where I worked on Backscatter Communications with Professor Xiaohua Tian and Professor Xinbing Wang.


  • 12/2024. UbiComp’24 paper: WULoc, Wi-Fi to UWB CTC for Long-Range High-precision Localization.
  • 12/2024. MobiCom’24 paper: NanoScatter, ambient IoT backscatter system with IC design.
  • 10/2024. Invited to serve on MobiCom’25 TPC. Please consider submitting!
  • 08/2024. Invited to serve on MobiCom’25 TPC. Please consider submitting!
  • 04/2024. MobiSys’24 paper: HybRadar, mmWave RADAR system with hybrid beamforming array.
  • 04/2024. Invited to serve on NSDI’25 TPC. Please consider submitting!
  • 11/2023. I visited groups and gave talks: Nov. 18th (first stop at SJTU), Nov. 27th to Dec. 1st in Beijing (28th at THU, 29th at PKU), Dec. 5th at NJU, 7th at USTC, 8th at HUST, 9th at NEU, 12th at ZJU, 14th at MSRA Shanghai, 16th at NWU, 25th at PolyU, 27th at CUHK, 28th at HKU. I really enjoyed the visits and conversations. Thanks for all hosts.
  • 08/2023. Invited to serve on HotMobile’24 TPC. Please consider submitting!
  • 08/2023. Organized M-Cube User Workshop. Check M-Cube website for updates.
  • 08/2023. Officially graduated and start as an assistant professor at JHU.
  • 06/2023. Pass the final defense at UC San Diego!
  • 04/2023. NSDI’23 talk: Presented SlimWiFi. More


  • TPC: MobiSys’25, MobiCom’25, NSDI’25, HotMobile’25,24
  • Reviewer of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, IEEE Trans- actions on Wireless Communications, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, IEEE Internet Computing


  • CV.pdf (Last updated: 02/2025)